Behold the King who conquered
And overcame our sin
Behold our Glorious Victor
Whose mercy knows no end
He is true, He is right
Death is broken, He is alive
God Undefeatable, Kingdom unshakeable
In Majesty and power you reign
Love undeniable, matchless and bountiful
To waken us to life you came
This is a song that is sung from time to time in the larger community I’m a part of. We sing it as a reminder of a series of larger truths about ourselves, the world we live in, and God who binds us together. It is a way to remember what we as humans so easily forget. Even the most important things slip away like grains of sand from our hearts and minds during short spans of time, let alone after years or decades. Questions like “Why am I alive?”, or “How do I love those around me well?” have to be revisited and re-engaged otherwise we end up existing instead of thriving.
In the middle of living we forget how to really Live.
There is this movement of people which I’m a part of that have found Life above and beyond anything we’ve ever known in the person, words, and actions of a Jesus of Nazereth. After cutting through powerless religious traditions, political name dropping, and mountains of misinformation we’ve come to experience the religious teacher from Galilee; not as a wise man but as what he claimed to be – the Son of the God of the universe.
From these experiences each of us has had our own unique interactions and radical changes that have shaped our stories in ways we could have never imagined before. It is out of these deep spiritual and practical encounters that our paradigms have been shifted, and as a result we’ve come to find the teachings of God to be invaluable in determining how we choose to live.
One of the things this extremely controversial carpenter said amid a larger story He told to the people around him is a short yet incredible statement about our entire existence and how He fits into it.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
This blog is about seeking after the Life that Jesus offers, and by doing so letting the larger Story of our lives be crafted into something worthy of passing on for generations to come.
As we examine nature, the life of Jesus, art, relationships, photography, the Bible, culture, philosophy, the stories we share, and a myriad of other topics in search of how to live well, this is the lens we’ll be viewing everything through. In my own interactions with God, and in seeing how He has re-crafted my heart and the lives of those around me for the better, I am convinced that by pursuing the heart of this Master Creator in every facet of reality that we will have the rich Life Jesus offers.
And as we do, it will be the best thing that could possibly happen to us.
This isn’t something I have figured out. I am broken and flawed just like you. This journey is a process of refinement that will last the rest of my life, and as with any good journey it is made better with company. I invite you to journey with me into the unknown. At times it will be hard to handle some of the topics we come across, and certainly it will be full of confusion. However, along the way we’ll also discover measures of joy and peace that neither of us have ever encountered as we tell better stories than we ever before - and it will be worth it.
Will you join me?